I'll See You in the Trees / VIDEOPROJEKCIA

I'll See You in the Trees

Nina Šumarac (CY)

Nina Sumarac (nar.1972, Belehrad) je oceňovaná interdisciplinárna umelkyňa žijúca na Cypre.

Dielo I’ll see you in the trees, inšpirované textom ‘Sycamore trees’ od Angela Badalamentiho a Davida K. Lyncha, je komparatívnou štúdiou ľudí a stromov, ktorá skúma ľudskosť a jej komplexnosť v kontexte prírody. Razí tak cestu k sebarealizácii, v snahe sprostredkovať dynamickú konektivitu, ktorá neutralizuje predsudky a zároveň podnecuje empatiu a súcit. Práve tieto hlboké osobné vhľady, ktorými umelkyňa zalesnila kolektívnu digitálnu plantáž vedomí/stromov, ponúkajú divákom skutočne polyfónny zážitok. Opätovné nadviazanie tohto symbiotického spojenia je pokusom o záchranu stromov a ľudí súčasne, pretože obaja sú v ohrození.

Inspired by Angelo Badalamenti and David K. Lynch’s song ‚Sycamore Trees‘, work ‚I’ll See You In the Trees‘ is a comparative study of people and trees, which explores humanity and its complexities within the context of nature, thus forging a path to self-realization. To convey dynamic connectivity, which neutralizes bias while initiating empathy and compassion, participants were asked to illustrate their innermost selves while considering the anatomical attributes of trees. These deep personal insights, which the artist has forested into a collective plantation of 110 curated selves/people, offer viewers a truly polyphonous experience. Re-establishing this symbiotic connection is an attempt at saving trees and people simultaneously since both are under threat.

Workshops We, Trees:
Nina Sumarac, preforming artist Elena Gavriel


Albina Davliatshina, Aleksandra Constantinides, Alex Welch, Andriana Nicolaou, Anna Kucherova, Antoniadou Christothea, Artemis Evlogimenou,  Atos Hgeorgiou, Bee Brigitte Davies, Bonnie Chui, Bryan Clarkson, Camille Legeleux, Christine Keeble Watson,  Constandinos & Tania Stavrinides, Constanitina Charalambous, Constantinos Panayides, Diana Miljuš, Eliza Patouris, Elli Papaloucas,  Emilija Šumarac, Eugenia Francesca Soncini, Evis Michaelides,  Farzanah Kirkup, Frosoulla Kofterou, Gabriella Norman Savva, George Nikolaou, Giovannie Presutti, Helen Savva, Heli Mangel, Irene Pavlou, Irina Buharova, Janette Charalambous, Jelena Vasić, Jen Brewster, Jesper Skov, Jessica C Vayianou, Joanna Hemingway, Julie Bond, June Doyle, Karolina Domaracka, Katie Sabry, Kiara Timm, Lavan Jeyarupalingam, Lia Petrodou, Liliana Jakovljevic Stavri, Liliy Zachariou,  Lubka Mlčúchová, Maria Marcou,  Maria Pavlou, Maria Schwarz Demetriou, Marija Reljić, Marinos Savva, Miki Fujiwara Pentecost, Minja Šumarac, Mirjana Miščević, Nailya Tavkaeva, Natalia Volshendorf, Natasa Katsiari, Navid Gholipour, Nearchos Ioannou,  Negin Ehtesabian, Nikolas Constantinides,  Nina Sumarac Jablonsky, Ola Hikari, Olga Alexeeva, Olivera Vulović Nikolou, Pamela Calver, Patricia Hitchen, Penny Zenonos, Peter Lammiman, Polydora Pericleous-Kakoulli, Rania Iakovou, Rozali Dobra, Salima Toumi, Sasha Morozova, Suzana Phialas, Silvia Brierley, Stephanie Petrou, Tania Pirilidou, Tatiana Ferahian, Tatjana Vidović, Tess Turner, Toulla Christou, Viktoria Vika, Vladimir Jablonsky, Zorica Popović, Zoritsa Mladenović and fifteen unknown contributors.

Digital Afforestation and video editing: Nina Sumarac

Animation and video editing / Motion research – collaboration:

Marinos Savva / Nicos Synnos – Lab for Animation Research (LAR) Department of the Fine Arts, Cyprus University of Technology

Sound recording and composition: Dimitris Savva. Recorded in Troodos Forest, Cyprus.

Sound: ‚Studena, Klana, Croatia‘ by Wild_Rumpus. Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA 3.0). Recorded by Ivo Vicic in May at 8:36 am, Studena Woodlands, Croatia. Temp: 16C.

Photography: Constantinos Panayides 

Text editing: Dr Frosoulla Kofterou

Production Funding: Eugenia Francesca Soncini

Link: https://www.ninasumarac.com/illseeyouinthetrees 


2022  exhibition The FOREST by the Arboreal Collective, hosted by NeMe Arts Centre 25/02 – 11/03/2022. 


2022 1st prize award and a solo exhibition at The Cultural Institution Associação Estação Viva, Canelas-Estarreja, Portugal.

2022 Forest and Life Geumgang Nature Art Biennale, organized by YATOO, Gongju-si, South Korea

2022 TERRA Espacio Gallery. Curator Judit Prieto. London

2022 Rare Effect led by Arroz Estúdios & Art Progression Now Lisbon, Portugal

2022 Imagine Futures, Puntomov, Festival de Videoarte de la Facultad de Artes, Autonomous University of Mexico State UAEMEX

2022  Ikono TV, screening at COP27, The Conference of the Parties (COP), organised by the United Nations Framework Convention

           on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

2022 Art and Society, Ecology as a Collective Sculpture, The International Performance Art Festival for Ecology and Sustainable Development Cameroon. 

           Artistic Director Raphaël Christian Etongo.  Yaoundé, Cameroon

2023  The LAR Chronicles: Radical Domains of Anima, Lab for Animation Research CUT, NeMe Arts Centre, Limassol

2023 Ties That Cannot Be Unbound, Underground Art And Design (UAAD) and New Art City online gallery. Curator Zhi Ye & Xiaofan (Amy) Jiang, New York

2023 Spring Exhibition „THE END OF CAPITALISM: Point of Goodbye“ Art Pavilion „Cvijeta Zuzorić“, Belgrade

2024   AiR Schafhof – European Center for Art Upper Bavaria, Germany  + workshop

2024   RE: SOURCE 2.0, Artnow, The Warehouse by ITQuarter, Limassol

2024   Kre: Pí festival 2024 @ CK Záhrada, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia  


Published in:

LandEscape magazine Biennale edition 2022  

Book Estação project publisher TRAMA BODOQUE Artes e Ofícios represented by Frederico Lopes Oliveira, Portugal, 2023


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Návrat hore